Holiday Mini Session Prep Guide!

Please Read Everything Carefully!
+ My studio is located Downtown at 400 East Central Ave (in the Old Brick Building just east of Ebenezer's) Suite 306. Please try not to arrive more than 5 minutes early, as families before you need time to leave and I need time to clean & prep between appointments. When you walk in the front door, you'll go straight down the hall and to the left. Take the elevator up to the 3rd floor. You'll turn right off the elevator then take the hall to the left. I am at the end of the hall just past the restrooms.
+ If it is raining, snowy or icy and you plan to wear shoes IN the photos, please bring those shoes with you and wear different ones to the session. The water, snow, ice and salt can make a mess of the studio floor and outfits, so it is better to change them for the photos. Many people choose socks, slippers or barefeet and I have no preference. Whatever you choose is fine with me. We just want to limit the mess tracking. I am sure you know how winter can be! Also note that some poses won't show feet.
+ My normal gallery delivery time is 2-3 weeks, but for Holiday sessions I shoot for 7 days. These sessions come with a full viewing gallery where you pick your favorites. If you decide you want more than the 7 images that are included, extras are just $10 each. All the info needed to make selections and download will be sent to you once we get to that point.
+Prep - use lotion on chapped hands, arms, legs, etc.. in the few days prior to your session. The night before: clip & clean/paint nails- don't forget the toes of littles. The day of: don't drink any punch or juice that stains the teeth & lips.
+ COVID and Illness - if anyone in your party has been exposed, if anyone is showing symptoms of ANY sickness - fever, vomiting, diarrhea - please contact me to reschedule. I serve Newborns and those with compromised immune systems and will not risk possible exposure to those who can not fight it off.
+As outlined upon checkout, these sessions are limited and therefore non-refundable, however, if reschedule is necessary, the session fee will roll over as credit to any other session within 1 year.
+ These sessions are designed for immediate family. If you choose to bring grandparents, cousins, etc.. your total image count may be affected by time constraints.
Let me know if you have any questions!
2024 Holiday Options!
All sets will be up and ready for you to choose from in person.
Optional benches and chairs will be available.
In order as shown: Merry (bed set), Tree Farm, Christmas Window,
Grammy's Kitchen (no actual baking, cookies provided will be store bought),
Cozy Fireplace plus one more that is still in the design process.